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Summer Explore

Our Summer Explore program is for children ages 6-12

At Summer Explore program, we will build a village in the forest and deepen our relationships with each other and the natural world. We will gather inspiration from the forest to guide our activities through movement, song, crafts, stories, games, and fun! Each day begins with a morning circle with thanksgiving, songs and silly movement games. During the day we’ll play amongst the trees, create bridges across the stream, build fairy houses and explore nature’s treasures. We’ll also take plenty of time during the day to recharge with snacks, rest and lunch. At the end of the day, with leaf and flower crowns on our heads, our faces painted and smiles on our faces, we’ll return, energized from a day in the woods! We also go on two field trips during the summer.

Art Offerings

Some of the varied art projects we will undertake may include:
Nature inspired crafts: lanterns, leaf sun catchers, god’s eyes made with sticks, nature portraits, leaf printed rocks, nature twig-tac-toe, nature wind chimes, sticks picture frames, nature book marks and much more.
Oil painting: children will explore oil paint on canvas; its texture, color mixture and how they go together. With nature scenery the possibilities are endless.
Plaster sculptures and crafts: plaster handprints, stepping stones, plaster hand sculptures, masks and more.
Recycled art: children will explore the many possible ways to create art with recycled materials such as egg carton flowers, water bottle wind spirals and bottle cap bugs.

The Summer Explore is where your child will:

  • Play and explore the beautiful outdoors.
  • Experience a variety of wilderness skills and crafts, story and song.
  • Practice awareness, quiet-mind, telling the story of their day, animal forms, curiosity, exploration, and gratitude.
  • Be in a nurturing environment to build self-awareness, confidence and group unity.

Using multi-generational mentoring, our experienced and inspiring adult and teen instructors guide the children in engaging earth-based activities, awareness games, experiential knowledge of plants and animals, natural craft, and story and song. Gratitude and reverence for the earth, as well as fostering a vision of community based on mutual respect and acknowledgment are modeled and encouraged. Please contact the school for additional information.